Located at 306 St Aubyn Street, this building was built in 1892 and was first known as the South Road Sunday School. At this time St Aubyn Street ended at the intersection with Cutfield Street and then became South Road.

At a meeting of the South Road Sunday School Committee on 14 October 1891 it was decided to erect a building 14 x 20 feet, with 3 windows on each side. The architect James Sanderson agreed to draw up plans for half the usual cost. Mr G. Cliff was the builder and the cost was £106. Mr Jones provided timber and Mr T. Veale the labour. Two opening services were held on Sunday 7 February 1892. (D.A. Holland). However, the Taranaki Herald noted on 6 February 1892 (p.2) that, "The opening of South Road Wesleyan Sunday School had been postponed until Sunday, February 14th".

In 1905 the building was extended and two rooms added at the northern end. Again, the work was carried out by Mr. Cliff. At some stage the name changed to South Road Church (quite possibly in 1905, at the time of the alterations) and then finally to St. Aubyn Church.

The final service was held on 29 June 1980. 

The building was purchased by Val Deakin in 1981 and has been used as a dance studio since then. 

Further reading: St Aubyn Methodist Church: A Brief History, D.A. Holland (1980).

Related documents:

Costs close old church (Taranaki Herald 30 June 1980)

A night of stars to pay the bills (Taranaki Daily News 11 June 2012)

Historic building given new lease on life (North Taranaki Midweek 26 April 2017)

$65,000 proposed for heritage buildings (Taranaki Daily News 5 June 2018)

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