Stratford's Hall of Remembrance, located in the entrance to the Municipal Buildings, was officially opened on 3 May 1920 by Edward, Prince of Wales

The bronze plaque acknowledging the unveiling was installed in August 1920

"This Roll of Honor to the men of the Stratford District who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War, 1914-19, was graciously unveiled by H.R.H. Edward, Prince of Wales, on his visit to Stratford, May 3rd, 1920."

The servicemen's portraits in the Hall of Remembrance were extensively conserved in 2000 and some of the original positioning was restored where possible. Puke Ariki holds large format copy negatives of all the portraits.

Servicemen's Portraits - World War I

Alberthsen, B

Aldridge, T B

Anderson, J F

Anderson, J R

Batey, F H

Blackstock, I

Bonar, A J M

Bottcher, L H

Brooking, W

Buchler, L

Burrell, A F

Cameron, R D

Carley, H J

Carley, S E

Carter, H S

Cate, A A

Cate, W G

Chamberlain, D K

Chapman, A

Cleary, G M

Corbett, R S

Coutts, W

Cowling, F W

Creighton, J

Cresswell, J K


Davies, F W

Dewer, H

Dewhirst, E

Divehall, C W J

Dodunski, P

Doughty, R D

Ellis, A D

Elrick, J

Falder, G V W

Fever, H J

Flynn, A M

Foley, T

Fougere, G

Frank, K

Fraser, A

Gates, F C

Goodwin, W E

Gorton, T J

Hamblyn, E J

Hamblyn, H J

Hamblyn, T D

Hamblyn, W C

Hancock, S F

Hansen, L G

Hansen, W J

Harrison, J A

Hatcher, T W

Huse, A E

Ibbottson, H

Jackson, E

James, T P

Jameson [Jamison] W A

Johnson, A E

Jones, E D

Jury, A W

Karalus, W G C

Keightley, E

Keightley, F

Keightley, T F?

Kimbell, E

Kirkwood, F W

Kivelll, C M

Lamb, N J

Lee, L

Liardet, L M

Linn, J R

Lobb, R

Lydford, G N

MacKay, J A

MacKay, J C

MacLeod, R B

Malone, E

Malone, W G

Manning, A

Marfell  M

Marfell F

Marratt, R

Mather, C

McCracken, A H

McCulloch, F P

Metcalf, T S

Meyerberg, W R

Miers, E W

Moir, J R

Partridge, F J

Potroz, B

Potts, C H

Rae, M J

Reeve, G S

Reeve, L W P

Richmond, H S

Riley, G T

Robertson, L S

Robson, A C

Rowse, R J

Rowson, C H

Rowson, S

Scanlon, W W

Sexton, E W

Shewry, D J

Smith, C L

Smith, D M

Spence, R

Stott, J T

Syme, G

Terry, A F

Tichborn, E G

Total 129

Vickers, E W

Walker, A R

Wall, P

Walsh, R E

Walsh, T P

Wasley, A S

Watkins, C R

Watkins, H B

Webb, T

Wilks, A J

Williamson, S

Winder, H E

Witt, C H

Woisin, F W

Wright, H W


Servicemen's Portraits – World War II

(AF =Airforce, N = Navy

 Arthur, V                                 

Ashcroft, H                                    

Barlow, M F                            

Bell, M P                            [AF]

Blackwood, F J                [AF]

Bourke, P M                          

Brunton, W E                   [AF]

Burt, I                                 [ N]

Butchart, D L W                      

Cannon, E D                     [AF]

Carrington, F A                      

Chanel, B A                         

Cruickshank, R J                   

Cuff, C M                               

Cunningham, A J               

Erickson, W C J          [AF?]

Faine, H                         [AF]

Fawcett, A G                  [AF]

Fawkner, J M                 [AF]

Foley, W J                           

Fowler, N L                   [AF]

Goble, R T                            

Gower, K W                   [AF]

Haines, R H J                    

Harkness, D J              [AF]

Harris, G A                          

Hight, C H                      [AF]

Jeffares, B C                 [AF]

Jeffares, C C                [AF]

Jenkin, B                       [AF]

Lawn, A                                 

Lawrence, C S                                

Lindop, F C                      [N]

McIsaac, G(D?) R                

McNeil, A G                     [AF]

Moore, M C                          

Needham, W H                 

Piper, J D                            

Pitt, S N                               

Potts, C A                                 

Rutherford, F A            [AF]

Sanderson, F A           [AF]

Sangster, C                       

Shrimpton, S G                

Spence, R C (G?)           

Stanford, A D              [AF]

Stewart, D M              [AF]

Swindlehurst,            [AF]

Taylor, W                            

Villiers, J T                  [AF]

Volske, L G W            [AF]

Wellington, W R             

Williams, A G B         [AF]

Wilmshurst, J C        [AF]

Wunsch, G H             [AF]


Total 55,  AF 29, N 2.

Related documents:

Defying Those Who Would Forget - A Hall of Remembrance and its Narrative, Graham Hucker. History Today Volume 9 Issue #2, 2003. 

Municipal Buildings & Hall of Remembrance, Stratford District Council Heritage Report.

Remember Them, Graham Hucker. (Daily News 20 April 2002)




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