The Taranaki Cathedral Church of St Mary is built on a site selected by Bishop Selwyn in 1842. A simple stone structure when it first built in 1845-46, many subsequent additions have resulted in the present impressive and complex building.

The architect of the original structure was Frederick Thatcher. According to the 1995 NPDC Heritage Study, others responsible for the additions include: G. Robinson, B.W. Mountfort (Christchurch), J.Sanderson, Frank Messenger, R.W.Syme and Alingon Group Architects (Christchurch).

Earlier known as St Mary's Church, on 6 March 2010 the Church was consecrated as the Taranaki Cathedral Church of St Mary.

The Taranaki Research Centre holds a large number of items associated with St Mary's, including plans, photographs and documents. This early Survey Office (SO) plan indicates the location of the graves of early burials in the churchyard.

Thanks to the work of Margaret Alington, the history of the church is recorded in her thesis and a book titled "Goodly Stones and Timbers, A History of St Mary's Church, New Plymouth". 

In October 2015 it was announced that the Taranaki Cathedral Church of St Mary would have to close for earthquake strengthening. The Cathedral remains closed in 2023.

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