The Christian Science Church in Courtenay Street was designed by Thomas H. Bates in 1923. Tender advertisements appeared in the Taranaki Daily News in June 1923 for the erection of a "Hall in brick" for the Christian Science Society. 

On 5 August 1932 a second building permit was issued to the Christian Science Church to the value of £1,000. The Taranaki Daily News reported on 30 July 1932 that Boon Bros. was the successful tenderer for the work with a contract price of £1,005. This plan provided for a Sunday school building next to the existing church.  

The extension in the front of the original Bates' building was added in the 1980s. 

Legal description: Part of Town Section 935. This Town Section was originally purchased by Maria Gover in the early 1840s (along with multiple sections by other members of the London-based Gover family), however, in February 1880 an inquest was held to determine the ownership as Maria Gover had died intestate. The jury's decision was that the section was escheated (forfeited) to the Crown. Three years later the section was auctioned off by William Courtney and the Crown Grant awarded to Reginald Bayley. 


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