PA2010_037.jpg Handkerchief. Collection of Puke Ariki (PA2010.037).

According to the Independent Order of Rechabites, “Peace and plenty” would follow if everyone would just lay off the booze. This colourful handkerchief was produced as a centenary souvenir of the international temperance and friendly society, which established a New Plymouth branch in 1875. Members had their medical and dental expenses covered, plus their ambulance and funeral expenses paid for, if they had been a member for a number of years.

The order took its name from the biblical descendants of Rechab, through Jonadab, who forbade his offspring from drinking wine. Each branch was known as a Tent, and adopted elaborate titles and rituals modelled on biblical practices. When the New Plymouth Tent was finally closed in 2007, several families could trace their continued membership of the order for up to four generations. 

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