This building at 119 St Aubyn Street was built for the Taranaki Herd Improvement Association and was officially opened on 19 July 1956. (Taranaki Herald 18 July 1956) 

It offered the Association the opportunity to provide a centralised workplace for all its staff. It was described in the Taranaki Herald as having "6ft heart rimu panelling in the manager's office, board room and public space and the remainder of the plaster walls and the ceiling are painted in soft pastel shades. The stairway and the upstairs passage have the rimu panelling to a height of 3ft 6in. The building is centrally heated throughout by an automatic oil-burner."

The architect was Mr W. Taylor of the firm Taylor and Syme. The building contractor was J.H. Ashman Ltd. 

In 2012 the building was now occupied by the Canadian oil exploration company, Tag Oil. In 2023 the building is occupied by TBI Health : Physio & Rehab.

Related document:

New building for Herd Association (Taranaki Herald 15 July 1954)

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