This cottage was located near the corner of Gill and Currie Streets - where the former New Plymouth Post Office building now stands.

For many years it was thought to be an example of a very early prefabricated house - however some doubt exists over this claim. It was thought that the cottage was transported in sections from England aboard the Regina in 1841 and erected by Mr J. Shaw, a passenger on the Amelia Thompson, which had arrived a month before the Regina.

The cottage withstood the pressure of the inner-city development for nearly one hundred years before being demolished in 1938. The final occupier was Mr Shaw's daughter, Miss Lydia Shaw.

Prior to its removal informal discussions were held regarding a proposal to move the house to Brooklands Park. The historical significance of the cottage was recognised and the idea was to site the building near the Gables as part of a "heritage precinct".

However, close inspection of the house revealed that little (if anything) remained of the original structure. Thought to have been built of Baltic Pine, it was discovered that much of the structure consisted of native timber - hence throwing some doubt as to the original structure being transported from England. It was therefore decided to proceed with the demolition to make way for the new Post Office. 

As it turned out the city would have to wait a long time for the new Post Office to be built. 

Related documents:

New Post Office Site: Confirmation of sale (Taranaki Daily News 18 October 1935)

Borough Engineer's Report 1936, Information Files: Shaw Cottage: Taranaki Research Centre

Newspaper reports and notes regarding the demolition of Shaw Cottage (1936-1938)

Shaw Cottage: Timber from England: Letter Raises Doubts (Taranaki Herald 5 July 1938)

Fred Butler letter re Shaw Cottage (1968), Information Files: Shaw Cottage: Taranaki Research Centre

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