This two-storey stucco building at 67 Vivian Street was identified by the 1995 NPDC CBD Heritage Study as of interest because of its "completeness and authenticity as an example of the English cottage style of domestic architecture".

It was designed and built for Mrs Gertrude Martin in 1933. NPDC holds plans for the house drawn by the noted architectural firm Griffiths & Stephenson. A building permit was issued for the house on 23 January 1933. The estimated cost was £975.00 and the builders were Lovell & Rawlinson.

The house was altered in 1948, the plans drawn up by H.V.S. Griffiths.

Mrs Martin was for many years headmistress of the infant department at Central School. She lived in the house until she died in 1954. The house was left to her youngest sister, Mildred Horner, who lived there until she died in 1976.

More recently the building has been used as business premises. It was advertised for sale in 2013. (TDN Property Press 7 September 2013)

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