This villa was constructed in 1910, with the Borough Council granting a permit to G. W. Hartnell on 25 April 1910 for the construction of a residence on Part Town Section 752, Dawson Street - Hartnell was the builder and architect, and the home had an estimated construction cost of £295.

The newly constructed home was occupied by Mrs A. Kendall, who had purchased the property earlier in April 1910. 

In August 1911 Mrs Kendall's "new, up-to-date, six-roomed house" "opposite hospital grounds" was listed for sale (Taranaki Herald 7 August 1911 p.7) - although it doesn't appear to have been sold until 1912.

Taranaki Land Deed Indexes I13 p590.

In 2023 the neighbouring house was moved off the site, however this residence was found to be in very poor condition. It was demolished with salvageable items being taken to use in the restoration of 63 Dawson Street. 

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