The Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust was formed by Russell Matthews and Douglas Cook in 1951.

The Lodge was built by volunteers in 1953-54 as a clubroom for Trust members, accommodation for the on-site curator and a workshop for volunteers.

It was opened on 16 October 1954 by the Hon E. B. Corbett, Minister of Lands and M.P. for Egmont. 

The Lodge was extended in 1961 to include a kitchen and dining room for members and electricity was laid on.

Since 2010 the gardens at Pukeiti have been administered and maintained by the Taranaki Regional Council who initiated a major design and construction programme for the Gatehouse and its surrounding area which lasted for several years.

The elegant, but badly deteriorated, 1950s Lodge was demolished in 2016-17 and replaced.

The new lodge was officially opened by the Trust on 20 October 2018.



Pukeiti to Open, 11 October 1954

Pukeiti Opens to Visitors, New Plymouth Photo News, date unknown



Related Information


Pukeiti Rododendron Trust ARC2001-169


Pukeiti ARC2002-814


Initial planting at Pukeiti PHO2013-0121


Initial planting at Pukeiti PHO2013-0122


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