This obelisk was unveiled on 31st March 1911 to commemorate the landing of the Plymouth Company ships at New Plymouth, 1841-43.

In 1996 a proposal by Taranaki Port Company, Westgate, to move the monument and cut down some pohutakawa trees met with fierce opposition from heritage organisations. However, resource consent was granted and in 1998 the monument was moved a few metres to allow for the Westgate Port Development. In March 1999 the memorial was re-dedicated and seven additional plaques on the history of the Moturoa area were installed. 

Monument text reads:


To mark the locality

Where the Pioneer Settlers landed

from the following Vessels


Brougham  14th Febr 41

 William Bryan :  31st Marh 41

Amelia Thompson: 3rd Sept 41

 Regina : 3rd Octr   41

 Oriental : 7th Novr 41

 Timandria [sic] 24th Febr 42

 Blenheim  : 7th Novr 42 [sic]

Essex  : 23rd Janr 43

Unveiled 31st March 1911

Note the incorrect spelling of “Timandra” and the wrong date of arrival for the Blenheim.


The Plymouth Company

In 1841, on the beach that formerly existed below Otaka Park, the first of the setters to the “new” Plymouth landed. The Plymouth Company, an offshoot E. G. Wakefield’s New Zealand Company, was formed in January 1840 to provide a settlement for emigrants from Devon and Cornwall. The site for the town was selected by surveyor, Frederic A. Carrington, who arrived from Wellington aboard the Brougham in early 1841.

 It was only those on the first two of the Company vessels who landed at Ngāmotu. Later arrivals anchored off the mouth of the Huatoki Stream in central New Plymouth and passengers were lightered ashore.

William Bryan ………….             arrived 31 March 1841

Amelia Thompson ………   arrived 3 September 1841

Oriental …………………       arrived 7 November 1841

Timandra ……………….         arrived 23 February 1842

Blenheim ………………...    arrived 19 November 1842

Essex …………………….      arrived 20 January 1843

A seventh Company vessel, Regina, carrying stores arrived on 3 October 1841.

The Plymouth Company, itself, collapsed financially in 1842 and was subsequently merged with the more successful New Zealand Company.





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