The small parcel of land containing the grave of Ani Heta (and likely others), was surveyed in 1905 by Thomas Kingwell Skinner, marked on DP2207. The grave site is located on the edge of a hill, near the present surveying trig - the site offers expansive views across much of New Plymouth, towards Taranaki Maunga and also the Tasman Sea. Little is currently known about Ani Heta or when the burial(s) occurred. It's possible that she was the wife of Heta Te Kauri

It has been recalled by some residents that a grave marker/headstone was at some stage present on this site (probably still present in 1950s-60s). However, it seems to have been removed many years ago, with a neighbouring resident who has lived next to the site for over 30 years not recalling any knowledge of the grave or the presence of any marker (they used to mow right up to the trig before their boundary fence was constructed).

The land on which the grave is located, Part Native Reserve 4A, Ratahangae, was subject to a court case in 1904 between the Public Trustee and William Humphries regarding a mortgage of interest on the section. For further information see linked court summary - an outcome of the case was that access was to be maintained to the urupa. 

Related plan:

Taranaki SO1758 Sheet 1 RatahangaeICS Pre 300,000 Cadastral Plan Index (Imaged by LINZ)

Related Information


Between The Public Trustee Plaintiff and William Humphries Defendant [item]




Supreme Court. (3 March 1904)


SUPREME COURT. (1 October 1907)


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