The Urenui & Districts War Memorial (includes Uruti, Pukearuhe, Onaero and Okoki) was unveiled 27 April 1920 by the Member of Parliament, Mr. P. W. T Jennings. 

Following World War II, the memorial was renovated and remodelled to include those local men who lost their lives in the war. The memorial was unveiled by Mrs S. Managh on 4 April 1948 and the ceremony was led by Archdeacon G.H. Gavin. 


Lest We Forget


 by the Residents of the

 Urenui District

in honour of the men

who were killed in the

Great War




In Memory of 

those who paid the Supreme Sacrifice

 in World War 2




[Small bronze plaque commemorating VJ Day 1995]


Right side


J W Candy                  27thSept 1916

C Kirton                      28th Feb 1918

T H Walsh                    29th     “    "   

F G Richardson          31st  Aug   "

W J Bracken                12th Sept    "



R H Waterson                    9th  July 1916

J H Waters                  15th  Jan 1917

R H Farmer                 10th  Nov   "

H A Waterson             26th  Aug 1918

P Taylor                       10th  Sept    "


 [WW II]


Uruti                                                 Pukearuhe

T B Murray                                       R C Polglaise

B F Rea                                              J Phillips

EW Saywell                                     J A Rider

                                                          N R Rowe


[Left Side]


D R Webster   20th April 1916

J W Buchler   17th Sept   "

R Anderson    27th   "       "

J J Kelly          12th March 1917

J J Falconer     7th  June         "

J E Bell           17th   "    "

M Beck           4th  Oct      "

W J Richards   7th  Sept 1918

J MacDonald   25th  Oct   "

Riri Pukere      4th  Nov         "




W J Franklyn

E Perry

M M Wiley


Rear (South) Side

Onearo [sic]

 J T Graham      14th Aug 1915

J S Hanson      27th Oct     “

C Ustello         31 July 1917

G V Hanson    4th Oct    “


L M Jones       4 Oct 1917

JW Derby       12 “      “


J Rae               17th July 1916



 Onaero                                    Okoke

 D H Jonas                   L M Jones

Hori Maketonare               G Page

                                                                         (George McDonald)


One of the above servicemen - C. Kirton is most likely to be Chudleigh Inwood Kirton who was killed in the Bere Ferrers rail accident, 24 Sept 1917, when 10 Kiwi soldiers were killed by an oncoming express after alighting on the wrong side of their carriage. He is also recorded on the NPBHS gates, Uruti and Fitzroy memorials. [The date on the memorial - 28 Feb 1918 - would appear to be an error]  


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