The Tikorangi School War Memorial was unveiled and dedicated on 14 December 1958. According to the jubilee publication, Tikorangi School 150 years 1867-2017, the memorial wall was originally at the northern corner of the school grounds opposite the store. However, being very exposed to traffic it was hit and damaged on occasions, leading to a decision to move the gates to their current position.

In May 1999 the memorial plaques, set into the new stone wall, were re-dedicated.  

Left Panel                  Centre Panel                    Right Panel   

1939 -1945               Tikorangi School               1914 -1918  
A K Davidson                   Memorial                     E D Alexander
R Dowding                   to Ex -Pupils                    C Furze      
M R Faull                   Killed in Action                   J Furze     
A A Jury                     Lest We Forget                   G P Foster 
R J Newman                                                          W F Terrill


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