The foundation stone for the Ōpunake War Memorial was laid by Governor-General Viscount Jellicoe on 27 October 1921. The Governor-General also unveiled the Pātea District High School memorial steps and memorials at Manaia and Auroa on the same day. 

Originally, metal gates made by Mr Trotter, a local blacksmith, were located at the gateways to the monument. These were later removed.

From top down at front:

Eight Shields on the upper 2/3rds of the obelisk. From top down:

N / Fernleaf / Z
.      Belgium and olive branch
 Egypt              "
 Samoa            "
 France            "
 Salonika         "
 Gallipoli           "
 Palestine        "

Panel of Crossed Swords, Fernleaf, Oak Leaves and Flaming Grenade

To the Memory
Our Boys
Who Fell in the
Great War

Black granite plaque:

In Memory
Of Those Who Fell in the
1939-1945 War

Morris W M       Alvis W


White marble plaque in top concrete step:

This stone was laid by
His Excellency Lord Jellicoe
Governor General of New Zealand
27th October 1921

Grey marble panel in fourth concrete step:



Right Side Black Marble Panel:

Affleck D                                      Cameron T
Aitken A J                                    Campbell W J

Allan A                                        Connell S
Baker H                                      Connell W
Barlow H                                     Cooper W G
Beech J T                                    Coupe J
Bewley J                                     Crofskey J
Billing F R                                   Corkery T F
Billing A E MM                            Duckworth R F
Birkett H R                                  Ewan G T
Bowman H F                               Fennell J J
Breed H A                                   Fitzsimmons E J P
Burrows J H                                Farah J F   
Buchler F J L                              Gibson W    
Buchler J W                                Gilbert S    
Callaghan C H I                          Graham A

Rear Black Marble Panel:

Graham                                                 Jarrett W
Guild W A                                              Julian M D
Harrop G A                                             Julian E O
Hall E                                                   Kappely H
Hall R                                                  Kappely W
Hannam F                                           Keasberry J C
Hawton L V                                              Kelly R S
Hill R S                                                 Lampard J
Hodgson A F                                         Laurenson G S
Hodgson H F                                              Lawn W [M]   
Hodgson R                                              Looney W C
Holmes W J                                             Lothian S D
Hurst C J                                              Mawhinney R
James S G                                                Morgan T
Jackson H                                                McGarvie R
Jarrett W A                                                  Owen G

Left Side Black Marble Panel:

Paterson D                                               Stephenson J H
Peters W                                                    Stevenson W
Pierson C                                                        Stitt A M
Pierson F                                                       Tindle J C
Phillips J H                                                      Travers J
Quickendon T                                                  Trotter C A
Rae R E                                                     Twomey H M
Raynor W                                                       Vincent M
Rowland E D N                                             Warner A R H
Sharrock H                                                        Wells H
Shefford J                                                      Wells D K
Simmonds H                                                  Wheatey M

Simpson A                                                                     
Smith H                                                                        
Smith D                                                                        
Smith W                                                                        


Lower Black Marble Panel:

2 NZEF (Japan)           Korea
1946 - 1948             1950 - 1954

Malaya Malaysia              Vietnam
            Borneo                   1964-1972     

Note: 'Quickendon' above should read 'Quickenden'.                             

Related document:

Ōpunake War Memorial Entry, Ōpunake Heritage Inventory (June 2003)


Related Information


An Appeal [For Funds] Opunake Times (3 February 1920)


Egmont County: Roll of Honour (Opunake Times 6 July 1920)


The Egmont Memorial: Acrimonious Discussion (Opunake Times 17 December 1920)


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