The Ōmata War Memorial was unveiled on 27 August 1922 by Chaplain-Colonel Archdeacon F.G. Evans.

In 1991 a car crashed into the memorial badly damaging it. A year later, after restoration work organised by Nancy Penwarden, the memorial was rededicated in a service conducted by the Archdeacon of Taranaki, David King.  

The memorial was rededicated for a third time in May 2002 after Nancy Penwarden campaigned to have all local residents who served overseas in WWII added to the monument. 

In 2019 four Ōmata school students discovered that two Omata residents, George and Herman Bollinger (both killed in WWI), had been left off the memorial due to their father's German heritage. The two brothers had their names added to the memorial and a ceremony was held to recognise the brothers' sacrifice. 


Lest We Forget


In Memorium
Cpl T S Crompton
Pvt E L Allen
Pvt P Wood
Rflmn W H Millman
Pvt E Anstis
Pvt J J Crompton
L Cpl L A Warren
Pvt N Wood
Pvt D Mace
Cpl R Kidd
Pvt H A Prugean [Prujean]


Erected by the Residents in Honour
of the Lads of this District who made
the Greatest of all Sacrifices in the
Great War 1914-1918
They Died for Their Fellow Men

Left Side:

World War II


Sgt L P Evans
Pte D B Dodunski
Air Com E G Olsen DSC
P/O J M Gilmer
Flt Sgt R T Mathieson

Short NP [stone mason]


Right Side - Added 2002

                 They Also Served 1914-1918

Sgt G W Bollinger                      Rfm H Bollinger

(Added 15 November 2019)

 Pte G Anstis                            Cpl A Loveridge

 S Lt A R Bayly                       Rfm E Loveridge

 Pte K J Bayly                          Rfm L Loveridge

 Cpl F W Clemow                  Cpl W H Loveridge

 Pte W J Crompton                  Sgt L B Mace

 Pte A H Frost                          Cpl R L Mace

 Pte C H Gatton                       Rfm A L McAllum

 Pte L C Hare                           SM  C McAllum

 Cpl L B Hart                           Sgt W Mathews

 Sap H S Henricksen              Pte A M Meyenberg

 Sap P Henricksen                     Tpr S Peddie

 Sap P Henricksen                 Cpl C G Penwarden

 Tpr T Henricksen                    Pte R Penwarden

 Pte Y Henricksen                    Sgt S J Quickfall

 Pte C Hutchens                       Rfl A V Sharpe

Sgt F Hutchens                       Cpl C H Smith

 Pte O Johns                             Pvt  J Smith

 Pte C L Jury                            Tpr L S Shrimpton

 Tpr E E Jury                            Pvt R D Spence

 QMS C R Jury                         Pvt V Vickers

 Pvt C Kendall                         Pvt J B Walsh

 Pvt H V Leighton                   Pvt T L Walsh

 Sgt J Lepper (MM)                 Tpr J F Whyte

 Pte W H Looney                     Nurse F Crompton

 [50 names]


Rear - Added 2002

They Also Served 1939-1945

PO E D Ansford                      Pte N R Marshall

Pte B W Bayly                               Pte I H Rea

Pte M C Ching                            Sig M S Rea

Gnr H F Christmas                     Pte H F Salt

Pte L Corney                              Pte E G Sanger

AC2 G R Donald                        Pte W E Sanger

Sig G A Duke                         Cpl U M Schrider  (MD)

Pte W K Elder                              Pte E J Spence

Gnr V L Elwin                              AB L A Spence

Sap C F Evetts                    Sgt R G Spence (MD)

Cpl G R Hanover                    A Br E M Walsh

Dvr J James                             Dvr W Williams

Pte H H Krutz                         Pte L F Whale

FO W T R Mathieson             Lcpl A Weir

Gnr R R Mace                         AB D Weir

Pte T Mack                              Sgt  F D Wood

Pte W J Maloney

[33 names]

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