The memorial plaque was moved to the Okaiawa Cemetery after the school closed in 2009-10 and was reset in a wall of river stones. A re-dedication ceremony was held on 25 April 2011


Okaiawa School World War II

1939                         World War II                          1945

Andrews I V                                                                                        Mack J L
Awahou J                                                                                         Matoe R
Bailey F K            Christiansen J             Giacometti G              Meuli ME
Bailey L A           Christiansen L G                 Gill A A                    Meuli J L
Barclay J R              Coates L W                     Hackett J                Murdoch G B
Bayliss H J            Cockburn J S                  Hermann W                 Rae B W 
Bennoch A                 Collins J                   Houlahan B C           Richards R G   
Betts C H                  Donnelly H A               James B M                  Rio J       
Blair C R                  Evetts H C                 Johnston D C               Shearer R E
Bridgwood D                 Free J                  Kilpatrick E F                 Snooks J
Brown S                   Feather G                    Lund K A                    Struthers A B
Cameron B S              Feather H              McDonald R D              Tong G W
Cantlin B E                      Feather W                McIlroy S J               Te Whero K

Christiansen H A          ------------- Killed in Action ---------------            Walsdorf W G
Christiansen A C         Murdoch E R         Skipper W       Smith T M         Young N D





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