The Okaiawa War Memorial is located inside the entrance to Joll Park and alongside is a marble bust of Thomas L. Joll, the local dairy factory founder. On 30 November 1920 the Taranaki Daily News that, "At a meeting at Okaiawa on Friday evening, it was decided to erect a monument in Joll Park as a memorial to the fallen soldiers of the district. Close on £200 has already been collected, and steps will be taken to at once proceed with the erection, a committee being set up to interview the Park Committee in regard to a site."

Front Face:

To the Glorious Dead
who fell in the
Great War 1914-1918

Bailey L W             Marshall, S

Carman B T               Paterson D F 

Carman  H G              Phillips C 

Currie W                 Tucker L

Kidd C                 Williams F

Kidd S 

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