The Meremere War Memorial was made and erected by Jones Brothers of Hāwera and unveiled by the MP, Mr O. Hawken, on 2 May 1922.

Those from the school or district who served in the war are named on marble panels on the corner posts. Those who served in WWII are named on marble panels on the memorial's base.

According to the owner, the South Taranaki District Council surveyed off the memorial and he gifted the area to the council. The original school students' gate is still present to allow easy access to the memorial.

The memorial was restored in 2009 by the South Taranaki District Council. At the time the tops of the corner posts were replaced with spherical tops.


Front Face (Top):

Our Heroes

Bugler G Bissett
2nd Lieut M G Curry
Pvt J Close
Trpr M Murphy
Trpr R Murphy
Rflm P Murphy
Pvt R Monk
QSM S Poole
Pvt H Wallace
Rflm P Woodford

For those that have mourned them
There's this relief:
That Glory sits by
the side of Grief

Erected by relatives and friends
to the perpetuate the memory of our

Left Face (Obelisk):

We Will Remember Them
1939 - 1945

Flgt Serg L W Williams
" " A G Dunlop
" " W J Geary
Dvr G Parnell
Pvt R Lichtwark
Pvt R Spice

Pass not this stone
in sorrow but with pride
and strive to live
as nobly as they died.

Left Face (Concrete Step): WWII

Pvt K Sangster                               Pvt W Spice
" H Smaley                                    " R Wallace
" J Gilligan                                     Tpr R Spice
" C Nicholson                               " S Kerrison
" R Geary                                       Gnr G Baker
NA R Williams                                    " C Spice 
Pvt R Findlay

Lower Step: WWII

School Roll

Pvt B Coile                                             Pvt G Davidson
" K Looney                                                    " S Taylor
" N Andrews                                            " D Thorburn
" I Andrews                                                    " A Warren
" J Parnell                                                 " M Sangster


Right Face (Concrete Step):WWII

Pvt Mary Gulliver                                             Lieut L Piper
LAC G Ashley                                             Fly/O J Davison
Sgt T Wallace                                              WO W Dunlop
Gnr D Judd                                                    " N Foreman
Stkr H Davison                                              AB W Gardner
Pvt B Foreman                                                   " P Murphy

Rear  (Marble plaque on concrete step): WWII

District Roll

Pvt O Nairn
" L Kitney
" R Hill
" R Palmer
Sgt N Norrie


Meremere Memorial Posts

Left Front: WWI

School Roll                                        School Roll

2nd Lieut J Murphy                                      Pvt T W White     
" " L Bassett MC                                            " J Tolme          
Sergt H Franklin                                          " N Coad         
Pvt C Monk                                               " A Nickel    
" E Olliver                                                " A Prentice
" H Telfer                                                " H Coad   
                                                            " L Monk

Right Front: WWI


School Roll                                                         School Roll

Flg Mjr H D Williams MC *                                                Pvt H Allen        
Dr B McRae                                                                  "   S W Birkett
Nurse F McRae                                                         Tpr R Chestnut
Sergt W Dunlop                                                        " G Hutchison
"    H McLean                                                         " A Williams
" W H Olsen                                                          " N Gundesen

Left Rear: WWI

District Roll                                              School Roll

Pvt T P Culkeen                                      Pvt B Johns

" S Jefferies                                              " F Close

" J Lumsden                                              " D Carmichael

" J Ross                                                    " A Catley

" E Sanson                                                " B L Williams

" J Wells                                                    " J Wolfe

                                                               " P Gundeson



Right Rear: WWI

District Roll                                                                    School Roll

SM  H Roberts                                                                 Pvt P Patchell
Sgt V Anderson M M                                                                "  F Dunlop       
Cpl P H Clee                                                                      "  F Kurth   
Pvt J Railton                                                                      "  G Coles
" B Anderson                                                                     " A Birchall
" A Baldwin                                                                      " D McLachlan


* Captain Henry Daniel Williams MC, 13/759

Hawera & Normanby Star - 28 Jan 1918

"Captain H D Williams, who has been awarded the Military Cross, is a son of Mr W Williams, of Meremere, Taranaki. He left with the third reinforcements and served in the Gallipoli campaign, in which he was severely wounded. He was in a hospital in England for several months, and, on his discharge, being unable to ride or walk properly with ease, he joined a flying corps.[the Royal Flying Corps] He has been four times mentioned in dispatches - once from Gallipoli and there [three] times from France - and a short time ago he was awarded the Military Cross and promoted from lieutenant to flight-commander for bravery."

Williams, Henry Daniel MC.

Related documents:

Permission granted for memorial (Hawera & Normanby Star 11 March 1920)

Meremere Article by Jacq Dwyer (Patea & Waverley Press, November 2014)

Brothers in Arms - The Murphys (Taranaki Daily News 25 April 2015)

Remembering a band of brothers (Wanganui Chronicle 19 August 2015)

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