The Manaia WW I memorials consist of an obelisk (1921) and a band rotunda (1921-22) in the Octagon. The obelisk was unveiled on 27 October 1921 by the Governor-General, Lord Jellicoe - along with that at Auroa and the foundation stone of the Opunake Memorial. Work on the band rotunda had yet to begin and, as a result, a postponement of the obelisk unveiling was suggested but not proceeded with because of the Governor-General's future unavailability. The Taranaki Daily News reported on 8 November 1921 that the contractor, Mr G. Edwards had made a start on the band rotunda. However, it was nearly two years later before the work was complete, the Hawera & Normanby Star reporting that that Messrs. Jones & Sons had recently inserted the marble slabs with the soldiers' names inscribed on them.

Later in his 1921 Taranaki visit, the Governor-General unveiled the Bell Block Memorial on the 30 October and may have unveiled the Pātea District High School memorial steps on his way from Whanganui to Manaia.

In 1969 due to the deteriorating condition of the band rotunda there were concerns that it would be demolished.

The band rotunda later featured in the South Taranaki District Council Heritage Inventory. 

[A second red granite obelisk on the western side of the Octagon is to the Armed Constabulary and Pātea Field Force of the New Zealand Wars]

Manaia Obelisk - 1921 

Front Upper

To Our

Glorious Dead

Who Fell in the

Great War



[VE Day 1995 and VJ Day 1995 plaques removed in 1999(?) to rear face]


Front Lower:

2NZEF (Japan)          Korea

1946-1948                   1950-1954


Malaya     Malaysia        Vietnam

Borneo                                    1964-1972



Left Side

Aitken A                     Campbell A A

Allison C H M                Campbell C C

Anderson  H J H          Clague J E

Anstey C                     Clegg J E

Barlow E                     Cunningham L J

Bennett E                    Davidson J

Butler L                      Dixon  A

Cadman A                   Doak S

Fendall F S


Right Side

Gamelin E                   Lloyd T

Gilmour A J                McConachie D

Hamerton W               Meuli L W

Hill C                          Murphy P

Hughes C                    Parry P L

Hughes J                    Paterson D

Johnston R C             Poole M L

Le Fleming W K         Ricketts L S

Leslie J W                   Young O M



Lest We Forget

 In Memory of

those who served

in World War II



Three Bronze Plaques

VE Day 9 May 1995

VJ Day 15 August 1995

100th Anniversary of 1st NZ troop deployment overseas 1999


Manaia Bandstand - 1921-22

Please click here to see a list of all names. 

White Marble Panel 1

Men of the Waimate West County

1914     and Manaia Town District      1918

Who served in the Great War

+ denotes those who made the supreme sacrifice


White Marble Panel 2

Four columns of 22 names each


White Marble Panel 3

Four columns of 22 names each


White Marble Panel 4

Four columns of 20 names each


White Marble Panel 5

Dulce et decorum

Est pro patria mori

1914 -1918


White Marble Panel 6

Four columns of 20 names each



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