The Lepperton War Memorial is a large square obelisk made from local andesite stone blocks - quarried on a neighbouring farm - on a concrete base. Black granite panels bear the names of the men of the district who fell in the Great War (1914-18). Also includes H. B. Lepper, who fell in World War II.

The Lepperton branch of the North Taranaki Patriotic League discussed the idea of a war memorial at a meeting in April 1919. At another meeting in September 1919, it was agreed that Mr Grayling would supervise the erection of the memorial and the expected cost was about £120. 

Unveiled by Lieut-Colonel C. H. Weston on 28 November 1920.


North Panel:

by the Residents of
Lepperton and Sentry Hill
to the Memory of their men
who fell in the Great War

East Panel:

In the Cause of
Liberty Justice and Humanity

Pte A. Burnard                                       Lieut H. M. Lepper M.C. 

A. L. Cartwright                                        Pte Bert Luke                

L/Corp J. Crofskey                                     Tpr R. Paul            

Gnr T. V. Feakins                                    Pte G. Payne       

J. H. Griffin                                             T. F. Stewart        

Pte W. H. Harrold                                   Rilmn J. G. C. Simpson 

Sergt H. J. Jeffery D.C.M.                       Pte S. West            


1939 - 1945

H. B. (Brison) Lepper


Additional information:

Lepper, Harper Mervyn, Lieut,  MC

KIA  Age 20, Iraq (Mesopotamian Front) Battle at Sanniayat, 9 April 1916.  With British forces – 13th Division, & Middlesex Regiment.

Military Cross won at Hooge (Belgium) in 1915. Sent to Sandhurst from NPBHS and obtained commission 3 months later.

One of the above servicemen - West Smay be Sidney Ennis West, (Next of kin: Mrs F Sampson, Sentry Hill) who was killed in the Bere Ferrers rail accident, 24 September 1917, when 10 Kiwi soldiers were killed by an oncoming express after alighting on the wrong side of their carriage. He is also commemorated on the Inglewood memorial.


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