The Kaponga War Memorial consists of black marble plaques in concrete gate pillars either side of the turnstile entrance to the Victoria Park sportsground. A public meeting was held on 2 June 1921 to discuss a proposed memorial and at the meeting a committee was formed

Despite this early enthusiasm, it was not until 25 April 1934 that these memorial gates were unveiled outside Victoria Park. They were unveiled by the President of the South Taranaki RSA, Mr M.R. Jones and the dedication ceremony was conducted by Rev. A.J. Farnell.

Related items:

Gates at Memorial Park: Names of Men who Fell, (Hawera Star 15 February 1934)

ANZAC Day Preparations (Hawera Star 21 March 1934)

ANZAC Day Service: The Unveiling Ceremony (Hawera Star 12 April 1934)


Left Side Pillar:


Kaponga District Roll of Honour
Great War 1914-1918

Bates H L                Maru C W

Bewley J           Mawhinney R

Blackstock I            Murphy P

Black L A D                Newton H

Cassidy F W              Paterson D

Cumberworth A M      Quinn E A        

Dempsey G D            Roper H E

Faull W T                     Rawcliffe W H

Faull H J                      Stevens S

Gwyne J H                  Scott A M

Gardner J                     Signal W C

Graham A                  Thoumine D E

Graham C                   Williams A O

Howie J C                 Walsh R E

Knight N R               Barr W R R L


They trod the same green fields we tread
They played the games we play
The part of them that is not dead
Is still with us today.

Right Side Pillar:

Kaponga District
Roll of Honour
Second World War

S Ahier                                    D C Lamb
S H Crowhurst                             A Stewart      
C J Crowley                                  C Taylor     
D Dawson                                  L A Wells  
E J Dyer                                      J Wright   
H Franklin                                  J D Murphy   
D Hughes                                  H W Turner

At the going down of the
Sun and in the morning
We will remember them (Binyon)


Related Information


Kaponga War Memorials (NZ History)


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