The plaque located on a large rock outside the baths indicates that the baths are dedicated to two men in particular, B.L. Butler and A.A. Pearse. It's thought that the plaque was originally inset into a wall at the end of the pool. It can be faintly seen in this photograph - where the two trees meet.   

Peter Wilson (Huirangi: The stories of our community, 2023 p.25) writes that work first began in 1954-55, digging and concreting a well to supply the water to the school, and eventually the baths. In 1956 the community pitched in again to construct the swimming baths. In the end the cost was over £1,000, funded by an Education Board grant, money raised by the district, as well as voluntary labour and materials. 

At a special meeting of the Huirangi Home and School Association held at the baths on 29 February 1956 it was decided to hold the official opening at 1.30 pm on 8 March 1956. Among those invited to the opening were the parents of both men killed in the war. The baths were opened by the chairman of the Taranaki Education Board, Mr L. Thomas Aylward.


These baths are dedicated

To the memory of

B.L.Butler, A.A.Pearse,

And other

Old boys of the school

Who paid the supreme

Sacrifice in World War II


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