The impressive Fitzroy School Memorial Gates were the result of fundraising by the local Fitzroy community helpfully assisted by a £40 donation from the Sydney-based benefactor, Mrs Alice B Honeyfield. They were designed by Taranaki Education Board architect, Charles Howard Moore, and were unveiled on 10 April 1926 by the Minister of Education, Sir James Parr. 


       Left Column                                                                                                   Right Column

       [In concrete]                                                                                                       [In concrete]

DULCE ET DECORUM                                                                             EST PRO PATRIA MORI

                                      (It is sweet and right to die for your country. Horace/Owen)  

 On left plaque:                                                                                         


In Honoured Memory                                               
the Ex-pupils of this School                                    
who made the Supreme Sacrifice                                           

At the going down of the sun                                  
and in the morning                                            
We will remember them                                         

On right plaque:  


Cobrook A J N

Davidson W

Harding A R F

Harvey F C

Harvey W H

Kirton C I

Petch A G

Tanner F A

Tanner W H



Barnitt H F M                         Kilpatrick N R

Cave K H                              Kinsella O D

Crawford H H                        Lewis K

Davidson G                           Mason G J

Flannagan F P J                     Page G              

Florence R                            Prestidge C E

Harvey DM                            Pullen C G

Harvey I K                            Richardson G W

Hopkinson R J                       Williams N

Jasper J W                            Wooldridge W H

Kerr A M


WWII name additions were unveiled at the 75th Jubilee on 16 September 1957 by Mr. J. Joll. 

One of the above servicemen - C. I. (Chudleigh Inwood) Kirton was killed in the Bere Ferrers rail accident, 24 Sept 1917, when 10 Kiwi soldiers were killed by an oncoming express after alighting on the wrong side of their carriage. He is also recorded on the NPBHS gates, Uruti and Urenui memorials. 

Related documents:

Those Who Fell: Erection of Gates Proposed (Taranaki Daily News 13 August 1924)

Fitzroy War Memorial: Canvass for Subscriptions (Taranaki Daily News 3 September 1924)

Fitzroy War Memorial - Letter to the Editor (Taranaki Daily News 16 March 1925)

Memorial Fund Accounts (Taranaki Daily News 24 March 1926)

Fitzroy School 75th Anniversary (New Plymouth Photo News #9 3 October 1957)

Our Memorial Gates, Fitzroy School 1882- 2007 (compiled by Val Bedford and Anne Francis)


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