The memorial gates at Clifton Rugby Club were erected at the entrance to Pukekohe Domain (formerly the Camp Reserve) on Browne Street in Waitara to commemorate the services of those members of the club who served in the Great War. In May 1919 the Taranaki Daily News reported that plans had been drawn for the memorial and were to be submitted to the Borough Council shortly. Fundraising began with a benefit picture show put on by Taranaki Amusements Ltd., with half the proceeds going to the fund (TDN 7 May 1919). The Clifton Football Club put on fortnightly socials to raise money and the Young Ladies Guild held a musical afternoon in support (TH 14 July 1919). Permission for the gates to be erected was granted by the Domain Board in July and a start was made in late September (Taranaki Daily News 30 September 1919). The contractor responsible for the gates was Mr F. Lucas.  

The memorial gates were unveiled by the MP W. T. Jennings on 28 October 1919, followed by a sports programme organised by the Labour Day Sports Committee. 


Left plaque inscription:                                                          

Roll of Honour                                                       

Clifton Football Club Members 

Participators in the

Great War

(Those starred gave their lives)                         

Column 1                                                          Column 1

R. Lawrence                                                          
L. Lye                                                                  
W. Luxton 

* K. J. McDonald                                              H Burkett
B. McKoy                                                           F Billings
T. McKoy                                                           W Chapman 
F McDavitt                                                         M Cain
J. B Mabin                                                         S G Cunningham    
* Jas Purdie                                                       H Cole
F S Proctor                                                        E Clare
R Pennington                                                     * Fred Chapman    
H Rook                                                              J Crow 
A Chapman

Column 2                                                         Column 2

E Roberts                                                          S Eggleston
* A Reed                                                           R Fulton
W Spurdle                                                         E Frost
P Smaille                                                           A Fulton
G Soffe                                                              W Hawke
* H Shelton                                                        W T Joll
* H Trim                                                            John Jones
* R Taylor                                                          * T Jenkins
D Tate                                                                G Kaipo
C M Tate                                                            *J Knuckey
* M Wickham                                                      W Lash
                                                                         H B Limmer

Pukekohe/Camp Reserve was named after the pā site and Imperial Regiment HQ on the site. It was the home ground of the Clifton Rugby Club until 1995 when they amalgamated with the Tikorangi Rugby Club and moved to their grounds at Tikorangi.

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