This home was likely constructed in the 1870s - probably for F. L. Webster.

Sections 5 and 6 of Block 42 Waitara West were granted to R. H. Cholwill in November 1871, but were soon sold to F. L. Webster a month later in December 1871. It is thought the present home was constructed in the years after Webster purchased the section, possibly around 1875 when another mortgage was taken out against the property, and was for a number of years occupied by Captain Dale and his family. 

In October 1878, Sections 5 & 6 of Block 42, Waitara West, were advertised for sale with "dwelling house of five rooms, thoroughly well finished and papered, at present occupied by Captain Dale". However, the property wasn't sold until May 1882, when it was purchased by Henry Brown.

Half a year later, in February 1883, Newton King advertised for sale by auction "Sections 5 and 6, Block 42, Waitara West, with good 6 roomed dwelling, outhouse, good well, tanks etc. - the property wasn't sold, and Brown retained ownership until October 1895, when it was sold to M. Jensen. 

There is a conveyance from Jensen to A. J. Dugdale in October 1898, and then a conveyance back to Jensen from Dugdale in May 1901. Lot five (Browne Street) was sold in 1914, and Jensen sold lot six (Centennial Avenue), including the original house, to 'Hansen' in November 1927. 

See Taranaki Land Deeds Index I10, page 289.

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