The New Zealand Insurance Building is considered one of Thomas H. Bates' most interesting designs. It was located on Devon Street West and was demolished in 1972 to form a carpark. The site was then included in extensions to the Showplace which saw the present (2013) entrance, foyer and Alexander Room added as well as the premises for Kingsroy Electric (now closed). The TSB Showplace extension was opened on February 6 1999.

It was announced in the Taranaki Daily News on 28 February 1920 that the directors had accepted the tender of J.T. Julian & Sons Ltd. with the cost expected to reach £15,000. The building was officially opened on 1 November 1921 with a morning tea and speeches.

An interesting feature of the design was an ornamental "tattooed Māori head" situated above the entranceway. When the building was demolished it was reported that the company doing the job would endeavour to preserve the sculpture. It's not known if this happened and if so, where it might be located.

Between 1921 and 1930 the New Plymouth Savings Bank (now TSB Bank) operated from the lower floors.

Plans in Puke Ariki Collection - ARC2013-1572


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