In a remarkable display of community spirit and fine planning this Methodist Church was erected in a single day.

On 27 October 1913, Labour Day, about 25-30 men began work at 5.00 a.m. and by 4.00 p.m the roof was on and the exterior was being completed. That same evening a thanksgiving service was held, followed by a concert.

The building was designed by the architect, Mr H. V. S. Griffiths (later Mayor of New Plymouth 1927-33), and the total cost was £180.00. A permit was issued for a 'Church' on Section 28 Hori Street on 15 October 1913, with Sanderson & Griffiths listed as the architects, and an estimated construction cost of £99 18/-.

In February 1973 it was decided that services would cease, and the building was handed over to the New Plymouth Playcentre Group.

Further reading: Vogeltown Methodist Church: A Brief History, by H.R. Wright. (TRCT287 WRI).

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