Located on State Highway 45 in Rahotu.

A report appeared in the Taranaki Herald in April 1897 indicating that it was hoped to establish a, "Wesleyan Church within a year between the school and the parsonage".

On 20 May 1897 the Taranaki Herald reported on the laying of the foundation stone, adding that, "...the site is one of the best possible. Adjoining the State school on one side, the Wesleyan parsonage on the other, perfectly level, adjacent to highway and on the highest ground in the township it is an ideal site. The building designed by Mr F. Messenger of New Plymouth will be 14 by 36 with suitable elevation, and from the plans must prove a credit to the Building Committee and an honor to Rahotu, the first place between New Plymouth and Opunake to erect a Wesleyan Church, and the first house erected for God's worship between Okato and Opunake".

The church was opened by the Rev. Bond of Whanganui on Sunday 16 January, 1898. About 1912 a vestry was added to the back of the church and it was further enlarged in 1930.

In 1961 the entrance porch was removed and a new sanctuary added featuring a large window facing the mountain. Further renovations took place in 1969.

Related documents:

Church's Chapter - Centenary celebrations (Daily News 17 May 1997)

Rahotu Methodist Church History (Rahotu School and Districts 125 Years 1884 - 2009)

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