This Catholic Church in Miranda Street, Stratford was built in 1973. It was opened and blessed by Cardinal McKeefry on 29 July 1973

The first Catholic church in the town was built in 1884. Known as St Mary's, it was erected on the north side of Miranda Street, where the presbytery now stands.

A new church, named this time, Church of the Immaculate Conception, was built in 1894 on the south side of Miranda Street. This church was demolished in 1973. (TH 26 September 1973)

The original one (1884) was moved across the road by a team of bullocks to become a school. In 1986 this old church was destroyed by fire.

The church celebrated its centenary in 1999. 

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Roman Catholic Church Stratford (1913)


Catholic Church Stratford (Puke Ariki collection)


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