This building was originally erected as a hall for the Presbyterian Church. A building permit was issued on 7 May 1926 for a hall at 201 Carrington Street with an estimated cost of £464.00. The builder was the firm Girling(?) & Frewin and the architect's name on the plans appears to be N.L.Thompson.

Alterations were carried out in 1968 and St Paul's Lutheran Church was opened and dedicated that year. 

In December 2006 New Plymouth's first Christian Orthodox Church, St Nicholas, opened in the old Presbyterian Hall. The Christian Orthodox Church is part of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, now Istanbul, Turkey.

Related documents:

Lutheran Church Dedicated (Taranaki Photo News #145 18 May 1968)

Orthodox church a 'miracle' for NP (Taranaki Daily News 5 December 2006)

Orthodox Church Opening (Taranaki Daily News 11 December 2006)

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