This two-storey building is located on a prominent corner (intersection of Broadway North and Regan Streets) at the roundabout as you enter Stratford from New Plymouth. 

It was erected in 1923-24 for the watchmaker, Mr John Petrie. The ferro-concrete building was another significant project for Stratford architect, John D. Healy. The contractor was the Auckland firm, Messrs J.T. Julian and Sons Ltd. The cost was estimated at £5,800 and construction was expected to take about six months. (Stratford Evening Post, 31 May 1923)

Perhaps construction was delayed, or took longer than expected, as it was not until 7 May 1924 that the Stratford Evening Post described in some detail the 'recent' erection of premises for Mr Petrie. In the article Healy told the reporter that the reinforced concrete building had three shops downstairs (the largest for Mr Petrie) and ten offices upstairs with access from Regan Street. The Stratford Borough Council passed a resolution "complimenting Mr Petrie on constructing a building which was a credit to the town." 

John Petrie from Aberdeenshire, Scotland, established his watch-making and jewellery business in 1896. First in a small shop near the Club Hotel, then on to two shops closer to town, and finally the building above in 1924. He eventually retired from the business in 1934, aged 80, although he remained active until his death in 1957, aged 101. His sons followed him into the business, followed by a grandson, who finally closed the business shortly after its centenary in 1996.

The building is listed in the Stratford Heritage Inventory.

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