Presently known as the TET King's Theatre due to a sponsorship agreement with the Taranaki Electricity Trust.

The theatre opened on New Year's Eve, 1917, with a showing of the film, "Madcap Madge". It was designed by the Auckland firm, Grierson & Aimer and built by Johns & Sons, also of Auckland. It has a unique place in cinematic history as the first theatre in the Southern Hemisphere to play "Talkies" films - pictures with sound.

In September 1986 the theatre closed due to falling patronage and increased costs. It re-opened in 1992 after refurbishment paid for through local fundraising and a $30,000 donation from the Stratford District Council.

The theatre closed again for a short time in 2012 to undertake strengthening work in the basement as a result of an earthquake risk assessment. The theatre re-opened in August 2012.

The theatre was profiled by Kelvin Day in his "Of passing interest" series and is listed in the Stratford Heritage Inventory

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