PHO2004_202.jpg Ponga house (about 1910s). A. W. Reid. Collection of Puke Ariki (PHO2004-202).

Who needs corrugated iron or aluminium when you can construct your garden shed from ponga? Looking rather like a train driver in the cab of a locomotive, this gentleman models the perfect garden house made entirely from tree ferns. Every care has been taken with the detailing, down to patterns on the front door and a spiral around the chimney (presumably no fires would be lit in the hearth!). 

This ponga house was photographed by engineer, dairy farmer and inventor Alexander Walker Reid around 1910. Along with helping to establish Stratford's electric power scheme in 1900, Reid was well known for his production of steam powered cars, milking machines and caravans. Also interested in photography, he created over 1,300 glass plate negatives. Being a designer and inventor, it's no wonder this petite ponga hut captured Reid's attention. 

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