PHO2005_013a.jpg Lyall Bay Surf Club members, Central New Plymouth flood (22 February 1935). Collection of Puke Ariki (PHO2005-013).

Devon Street was awash with water in February 1935, which provided the visiting Lyall Bay Surf Club the perfect occasion to showcase their talents. The team was in New Plymouth for the national championships and was caught up in the storm. Instead of attempting to keep dry, club members gave diving demonstrations from the main staircase of the Royal Hotel, which was under two metres of water. From there they spilled out into the streets, holding races around the Brougham, King, Egmont and Ariki block and practising rescues with women who were willing to join in the fun. The newspaper even reported they played “water polo-football” with a floating pumpkin. Despite the frolicking and frivolity, the storm caused significant damage throughout the city. One man was quoted as saying, “Anyway, the farmers wanted rain.” Perhaps they got a little more than they bargained for on that occasion.

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