In November 1898 the chemists, Teed & Co, moved into this building on Devon Street West. The two-storey building was designed by Frank Messenger and built by Boon Bros. The sub-contractors were N. Hooker (masonry), Smart (plumbing) and Cleland (painting).

The 1995 CBD Heritage Study describes it as "a well scaled building, interesting in its detail which includes a notable piece of sculpture in the head on the party wall".

A photograph of the building taken by Fred Butler in 1939 suggests only eastern half the building was occupied by Teeds, the remainder being used by other businesses.

In the late 1960s Teeds expanded into the western portion of the building by partly demolishing an interior partition. The upper floors were also joined together with the installation of an enclosed ramp. Like many other CBD businesses Teeds was subject to frequent flooding (basement) due to the Mangaotuku Stream overflowing. This was remedied when the Mangaotuku was diverted to an outfall at the foot of Queen Street. 

The Teeds name, nor the chemist business, are now associated with the building (2011).


Unseeing eyes, Taranaki Herald 26 August 1958

Teeds advertisement, 100 Years in Local Government Centennial, 1976

New Plymouth CBD Heritage Report

Institute of Cadastral Surveying Inc. Map of Devon West-Teed, DP1256

Institue of Cadastral Surveying Inc. Map of Brougham-King DP 1154

Related Information


Puke Ariki Collection, Teed chemist bottle.


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