St Mary's Community Centre is located on Vivian Street opposite St Mary's Cathedral. It is connected to St Mary's Memorial Peace Hall.

The community centre, also once known as the Badminton Hall, was built in 1888 as a Sunday School for St Mary's Church. The architect, James Sanderson, called for tenders in October 1887 and the successful tender was that of Messrs. R. Earley and Allen (£287). The building was complete by the end of March 1888 and was described in some detail in this Taranaki Herald report

A classroom, built by George Cliff for £55, was added in 1902. In the 1920s the building was used as a kindergarten.

In 1979 a porch was added at the north-east corner.

Related document:

Heritage Inventory Entry, NPDC CBD Heritage Inventory (1995)


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