Brown_house.jpg Richard Brown residence, undated. Puke Ariki collection (LN2542:A.2c.46).



When this house in Young Street was demolished the Daily News (14 February 1946) reported that although the exterior of the house was somewhat dilapidated, the "house contains material that is as sound as the day the place was built". Later it was reported that a rusted cannonball had been found during the demolition. (Taranaki Herald, 20 February 1946)

It is likely the house dates from the late 1840s or early 1850s. The first owner was New Plymouth merchant Richard Brown (Taranaki Herald 2 March 1959) who was also editor of the Taranaki Herald for a brief time. Brown died in Waitara in 1860 as a result of wounds suffered in the Taranaki Wars.

Subsequent owners included Henry Julian and Richard Jury, who both ran carrying and cab services from the house.

Approximate location was 7-9 Young Street

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