This cottage is an unusual shape and size - a 1½ storey rectangular box clad in rusticated weatherboard - and is probably the only cottage of this style surviving in New Plymouth. The original section is similar to the classic Georgian Box cottage, with several later additions. 

A permit was granted to 'Owen' on 18 August 1902 for the construction of a cottage on Town Section 259 (mistake - should be Town Section 260, Owen did not own Section 259) - Louis Bullot was the builder, and the estimated construction cost was £180.

An interesting feature of the section is that when it was subdivided in the 1920s, the boundary line was surveyed around the existing house - a feature prominent on maps. 

Related items:

Town Section 260: Taranaki Land Deed Index I5 Page 534 (Archives New Zealand)

Taranaki DP5369 Sheet 1 (1929), ICS Pre 300,000 Cadastral Plan Index (Imaged by LINZ)

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