This villa was probably constructed during 1893-94 for G. H. Foote or Frank (Francis) Newell.

G. H. Foote purchased the vacant Town Section 262 at auction in April 1893 (Taranaki Herald, 15 April 1893, page 4), and it seems Newell soon purchased the property from Foote. 

The 1894-95 New Plymouth Borough Council Rating Book lists Newell as the ratepayer for Town Section 262, and notes that a house (very likely the present villa) had been constructed on the section, with the property valued at £20. Frank Newell is first listed as living in this location in Morley Street in the 1896 edition of Stone's Street Directory. 

Frank Newell was a builder so may have constructed the house himself.

In May 1902 Newell advertised for sale a "well-finished 5-roomed house, corner Morley and Powderham Streets" - this likely refers to the present home at 53 Morley Street.

The style of the house may indicate James Sanderson as the architect - although this cannot be confirmed.

Related document:

Taranaki Land Deed Index I13 P225 Sect 262

Taranaki DP10483 Sheet 1 Morley and Powderham Streets, ICS Pre 300,000 Cadastral Plan Index (Imaged by LINZ)

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