In 1997-98 an extension, designed by the firm Boon Cox Goldsmith Jackson, was completed for the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery.

The November/December 1998 issue of Architecture New Zealand published a report about the project. The quotes below come from the article.

"Last year's extensions were designed primarily to house the world-famous Len Lye art collection with a new permanent gallery space and research and storage area for the collection.The additions link with the existing gallery by means of a central multi-level hall and include a controlled environment, general art storage area,better entry and improvements to the cafe."

"The client's brief was to provide: a Len Lye gallery, disabled access to new and existing buildings, improved entry witha retail shop and a separate connection to teh cafe, education room, theatreette, increased size of the general collection storage with efficient, safe storage racks, Len Lye research area, and further storage within collection store and parking."

"The extension had to reflect the the spirit of the Len Lye collection, complement the existing galllery and be sensitive to the environment."

"The new Len Lye wing now expands out through the old confining southern wall, establishing a volume equal and complementary to the existing gallery. ...Externally, the Len Lye wing uncompromisingly presents an equal but contrasting form to the existing building. It is open with glass, vertical in form, floating and colourful. The materials are simple, contemporary, in contrast with the old-style cinema and sensitive to the surrounding street scene."

The full article is available in the Taranaki Research Centre at Puke Ariki. (TRCT720.993482 THE)

Demolition of this 1998 extension began on 13 May 2013 to make way for the new Len Lye Centre.

Related documents:

Len Lye Centre has numbers (Taranaki Daily News 1 March 2013)

Len's Legacy, our destiny (Taranaki Daily News 2 March 2013)

Editorial (Taranaki Daily News 2 March 2013)

They won't let it Lye (Taranaki Daily News 27 April 2013)

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