The De Burgh Adams Lodge No.446 consecrated their new lodge in Robe Street on 15 September 1882. It was located on the east side of Robe Street in the block between Vivian and Powderham Streets - Town Section 693. The section was subdivided by the owner Frederic Carrington in 1882 and sold to W.F. Brooking (presumably on behalf of the Lodge).

It was described in the Taranaki Herald as a "well finished compact building in the Tuscan style of architecture. It is 42ft. by 21ft., and is divided into three rooms, the lodge-room, and two ante-rooms." The contractor was William (W.F.) Broooking.

In 1956 the Lodge was sold to the New Plymouth Operatic Society for £5,350 at auction.

Over 30 productions were rehearsed in these Robe Street premises - the last being "Nights of Nostalgia" in 1981. The Operatic Society then moved to the John Avery Building in Currie Street.

In 1981 the land and building was sold to the Powderham Petrol Station. It took two days to demolish the building in October 1981. The section has been used for car parking since this time.

Related documents and plans:

Taranaki Land Deed Index I3 Page 205

Taranaki Land Deed Index I13 Page 134

Taranaki DP2392 Sheet 1 Section 693 Robe Street, ICS Pre 300,000 Cadastral Plan Index (Imaged by LINZ)

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