This two-storey wooden building on the corner of Devon Street East and Hobson Street was possibly built in the 1880s.

It's unclear as to whether it was first a private residence or was always a boarding establishment, however in 1904 Francis Sanderson is listed in the Wises's Directory as operating a boarding house at this location. And in April 1905 an advertisement appeared in the Taranaki Daily News announcing the sale of all the, "Household Furniture and Effects of Mrs Herbert, from Cambridge House, Devon Street East."

Later proprietors of the boarding house include; Mrs Rosamond Potts, Mrs Dorothy Ibbotson and Mrs Hermine Kidson.

The building was demolished in 1965 when the Reliance Tyre & Rubber Company bought the section to build a retreading factory. At present (2024) the corner site is occupied by the business Shuk Engineering Distributors Ltd. 

Town Section 1463, Taranaki Land Deed Index I5 Page 245.

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