After only eleven years at their Robe Street premises the Bank of New Zealand erected a new building on the corner of Brougham Street and Devon Street West.

The sale was negotiated by Mr.J.C. Davies, with Mr. Buller acting for the Bank of New Zealand. The sale price was reported to be £6,000 and the owner of the section (former site of the Masonic Hotel) was Mr.F.A. Carrington. 

The architect was Mr E. Mahoney, who also designed the earlier New Plymouth branch office. The construction was supervised locally by New Plymouth architect, Mr James Sanderson. Mr Taylor, of Christchurch, was the contractor with the fittings completed by Mr J. C. George. The building cost £2050 and fittings £300.

The two-storey building included living quarters on the upper level for two clerks who were expected to, " over the destinies of the treasure-house during the night hours. The rooms are to be made as comfortable as possible, with the view of inclining their occupants to become stay-at-homes".

The building was demolished in 1959 to make way for a new four level Bank of New Zealand office block. 

Located on Town Section 647, Taranaki Land Deed Index I1 Page 319 and I1 Page 47.

Related document and plans:

Bank of New Zealand to be remodelled (Hawera & Normanby Star 29 November 1922)

Demolition of the Bank of New Zealand (Taranaki Herald 24 July 1959)

Plan of Section 647 DP103 (1883)ICS Pre 300,000 Cadastral Plan Index (Imaged by LINZ)

Subdivision of Town Section 647 DP1154 (1898), ICS Pre 300,000 Cadastral Plan Index (Imaged by LINZ)



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