This house was originally constructed as investment/rental property for William John Shaw in 1903, with the house extensively renovated during 1929.

William Shaw resided in the house at present 5 Rogan Street, and from 1890 owned a large area of land along Gover, Rogan & Gilbert Streets - this property included part Section P (now comprising Lot 2 of DP20617), on which the present house at 99 Gover Street is constructed.

99 Gover Street originally started life as a villa residence, designed by noted New Plymouth architect Frank Messenger, who advertised for tenders for "building a residence in Gover Street for Mr W. J. Shaw" during April 1903.

A building permit for the construction of a house on Res P, Gover Street, was granted to W. J. Shaw by the New Plymouth Borough Council on the 8th of May 1903; Frank Messenger was noted as the architect and the estimated value of the building was £453.

In 1929, the house was extensively renovated and the frontage modernised in the more modern bungalow style. These alterations were designed by the firm of Messenger, Griffiths & Taylor (Frank Messenger, Horace Victor Griffiths & William Taylor), with a copy of the original plans held by NPDC.

It is interesting to note Frank Messenger's involvement with both the design of the original villa and the 1929 alterations, whilst architect William Taylor lived right next door to this property at the time of the 1929 renovations; the house at present 95 Gover Street being his private residence. 

A building permit for the 1929 alterations was granted to owner H. E. Carey (who appears to have rented out the house), on the 7th of February 1929; W. L. Thompson & Son are noted as the builders, with the estimated value of the additions being £450.



Deposited Plan: 4140


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