This villa/bay cottage was constructed by builder Edward Stevenson in late 1901 or early 1902. 

Town Section 1056 was subdivided by then owner Duncan McLean in November 1901 and property titles issued under the Land Transfer Act; at this time a house was present on the eastern portion of the section.

McLean sold the vacant western portion of Town Section 1056 to builder Edward Stevenson following the subdivision, and the present house was constructed soon after.

The newly-completed house was soon sold to New Plymouth property investor William John Vaughn Hasluck, who owned many properties in New Plymouth, and resided in the present villa at 95 Belt Road. On William's death in 1907, ownership of this house (and many other properties), was transferred to his wife Victoria. 

This is one of the few remaining villas/bay cottages on Gilbert Street, with many having been demolished or removed in recent years.

Related items:

Taranaki DP1725 Sheet 1 (1901), ICS Pre 300,000 Cadastral Plan Index (Imaged by LINZ)

Town Section 1056, Taranaki Land Deed Index I3 Page 551 (Archives New Zealand)

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