Bertrand Road Bridge

Originally  the river here was crossed by a suspension bridge erected in 1897. In 1926-27 it was replaced by this similar bridge designed by the Clifton County Engineer, N. C. Fookes. It was closed to traffic in 1985 but a preservation trust raised money for maintenance and the bridge opened for light traffic between Tikorangi and Huirangi in June 2006.

In May 2017 the bridge was again closed because of damage caused by an over-sized truck crossing. Repairs were completed and the bridge was re-opened 15 July 2017.



A Bridge Worth Preserving by Peter Wilson Historic Places Magazine March 1999

Residents Angry Bridge Work Plan may be Rejected Taranaki Daily News 17 August 1989

Council Cash Backs Bridge Restoration Taranaki Daily News 21 August 1999



Further Reading

Thornton 2001

Thornton, Geoffery: Bridging the Gap, 2001 

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