Once located at the intersection of Ridge Lane and Rogan Street this South African Coral tree (Erythrina caffra) is said to have been planted by Robert Snell in 1871. It is a listed and protected tree in the NPDC District Plan.

The plaque at the base of the tree records that Snell emigrated from Devon, England in 1858 and set up a butcher shop.

Robert Snell died in June 1908, aged 76. He is buried at Te Hēnui cemetery along with his wife, Mary Elizabeth.

The tree, in declining health, was damaged during high winds generated by ex-cyclone Gita in February 2018. Concerns that the tree may topple over, saw it removed on Wednesday 21 February 2018.

NPDC had earlier taken cuttings from the tree, and these will be planted in a more suitable location across the road, on a grassed area adjacent to the New Plymouth Racecourse, ensuring one of New Plymouth's most historic trees lives on for future generations to enjoy. 

A cutting was planted in early October 2018, and the plaque relocated.

Related documents:

South African Coral Tree, Cory Smith (The Notable Trees of New Plymouth, 2002).

Of passing interest, Kelvin Day (Taranaki Daily News 30 September 2013)

It stood for 147 years now it's gone (Taranaki Daily News 24 February 2018)

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