The now-unused wooden truss-bridge over the Mangemange Stream, near Tawhiti, Hāwera, was for many years  partially hidden by pine trees which were milled in 2017, revealing the bridge again to members of the public.

This is the second bridge over the stream, constructed in 1935. The first was opened in 1908.

Tenders for the construction of the first bridge were called by the Hawera County Council in December 1907. The only tender received, from Robertson and Cave for £255, was accepted.

In February 1908 the Hawera County Engineer, Fred Basham reported: "Ngawhini Road - Contractor  is making good progress, and has only 23 chains to form to complete contract. I propose taking over the completed portion between the Austin road and the Mangimangi [sic] stream next week so as to allow the contractors for the bridge to cart their material down. Contractors for bridge inform me that all the timber is now to hand and work will commence in a few days." 

The second bridge was built to replace the first one which was washed away in a 1935 flood. The bridge is an ex-railway bridge that the Hawera County Council purchased from the Railways. They were making bridges bigger to carry heavier trains so it was surplus to requirements. [Ross Dunlop pers comm, 2022

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