These three plaques mounted on a large ornamental rock were unveiled by Stratford MP David Thomson on 22 January 1978. The rock is located on railway reserve land on the corner of Matai and Standish Streets - a picnic area was formed as part of the celebration. According to the Daily News (23 January 1978), the files of the two centennial celebration committees (Borough and Polish) were placed underneath the rock.

1. Centennial of Naming of Inglewood

1875 - 1975

This plaque commemorates

the centennial of

the naming of this town


22nd January 1875


2. Centennial of First Meeting of Inglewood Ancient Order of Foresters.

A.O. F

Court Inglewood Forest

This plaque commemorates

the first meeting

on 6 January 1876

1876              1976


3. Centennial of the First Arrival of Polish Settlers in Taranaki.

This plaque commemorates the

arrival of the first Polish

settlers in Taranaki and is

erected by their descendants

to mark the first 100 years

of endeavour

1876 - 1976


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